Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Taking What They're Giving

So, for the last two weeks since I arrived I haven't internet access accept at work and I was a little hesitant to try to update my blog while I was at work. Still, it is good to be back in the blogoshpere even if I don't know if anyone will read this.
In the last two weeks I have learned three things:
1. Despite what people say, Mesa is not made up completely of beautiful Mormon girls, although they do exist.
2. Wearing business casual attire does actually make you more mature.
3. 100 degrees really isn't that bad if you are inside all day in an air-conditioned office.
Work has gone really well. I was fairly nervous the first few days and I still feel like I don't know what's going on about a third of the time but atleast I stay busy and feel like I am contributing something. Everybody is really nice and I have found some people I can talk to about sports, mostly the Phoenix Suns, and I'm waiting for the right moment to spring my real sense of humor on everyone. Actually, I don't know if that moment will ever come.
I still haven't found a permanent place to live. I went to a couple wards the first Sunday and I may end up living in a house in that ward with some other guys but when I called the guy who I thought owned the place named Matt, I ended up leaving a message for some guy named Lavance who's answering machine ends, with "Take care and God bless." Don't get me wrong, I want God to bless everybody too but do I need to say it on my phone..... Anyways, I don't know what the story on that is. I'll have to get the right phone number later.
So, things are going well and I'm getting plenty of sleep since I have like 1.5 friends. It's hard to get into trouble in a town where you don't know anybody. Not that I would anyway.


At May 17, 2007 at 11:13 AM , Blogger Nick Biz-ell said...

Don't worry Brian, I'm reading ;). And, I can only wonder what a new, mature, business casual wearing Brian Arnell is like.


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